Structural engineering I
Code: -
General criteria and applicative techniques aimed at design, safety checks and construction aspects of reinforced concrete structural members and simple framed structures. The course includes: general concepts of structural safety and design of structures; mechanical behaviour and constitutive laws of structural materials, as concrete and steel; design and safety checks of reinforced concrete structural members according to semi-probabilistic limit states method (ultimate and serviceability limit states) and national technical codes and Eurocodes; definition of the actions and load combinations; application of the methods of structural analysis for framed structures (force method and displacement methods) and for foundation beams on elastic soil; construction aspects and techniques of reinforced concrete structures; simple structural design applications.
Lesson hours:
Practice hours:
Structural mechanics
Types of examinations:
The final exam will be written and oral
The course provides the basic knowledge and methodologies for the calculation and safety check of reinforced concrete structural members within the semi-probabilistic limit states method, as well as the general criteria for the design of simple reinforced concrete framed structures and their foundations. During the course reference is made also to the most recent structural codes, particularly Italian Technical Regulations for Constructions and Structural Eurocodes and to the construction aspects and techniques.
To be completed.
Teaching materials:
To be completed.